9v Battery Cover for Storage
Couldn't find what I needed so I made my own. Super simple battery cover to suit a 9v battery. Fast printing - Vase Mode/Spiralize mode. Prevents terminals coming in contact with anything while in storage, reducing the risk of them shorting out in a drawer or toolbox. Sized to fit snugly on a Duracell battery. Fits, but not as snug, on another battery I have at home also. Designed to be printed at 0.48mm layer width. If printing at 0.40mm width, you may need to scale down by 0.5% to 1.0% to ensure a snug fit; more if your batteries are a tad smaller than the ones these are designed for, as batteries can vary slightly in size. I printed mine at 0.32mm layer height on a 0.4mm nozzle with 2 layer base. 7 minute print time. External dimensions: L 27.0mm W 17.8mm H 30.0mm Fillet around corners R 2.5mm If requested, I may turn this into an actual case rather than just a cover.