12GA Adjustable Shell Trimmer / Opener

12GA Adjustable Shell Trimmer / Opener


This is my Fully Adjustable 12 gauge shell trimmer and opener. I used M6 25mm bolts and T-nuts but anything similar will do. To Use: 1- Set the depth of the rod to desired length. The markings on the rod are set to account from the overall length final shell. meaning. if you set the mart to 2 inches your final result will be a 2" shell. 2 - Lock the locking nut 3- Insert shell 4- Apply pressure to the blade and turn the shell until cut is complete. To Open a loaded shell: 1- Slide Rod Back and insert Adapter 2- Lock Rod at desired depth 3- Insert loaded Shell 4- Apply pressure to the blade and turn the shell until cut is complete.







Hand Tools