Zhiyun Smooth 4 Counterbalance Kit

Zhiyun Smooth 4 Counterbalance Kit


There are 3 counterbalances, all mount using small rubber bands. Coins are press fit into the holes. 1. Pitch holds 1 or 2 US quarters and makes the phone pitch neutral. 2. Roll holds up to 5 US quarters to make the roll access neutral. 3. Roll micro holds one US nickel and is used as a micro roll adjustment to minimize adjustments using the screw. Slide the nickel either way along the shaft for small roll adjustments. If the micro roll adjustment coin is messing up the pitch, mount it on the opposite side of the shaft, on the same side as the phone. Note that the counterbalances do not need to be removed for storage, see the last picture. Designed in Onshape, printed on an Ender 3v2, Solutech silver pla, normal quality in Cura. I'm happy to design more using different coins, put a comment in with the precise dimensions of the coin. Please choose coins between 20mm and 25mm diameter.







3D Printing