MS pencil microphone shockmount

MS pencil microphone shockmount


This is a microphone shock mount for mounting 2 pencil microphones in one clamp. Typically used in a MS setup, or in a Straus Package (google is your friend here...) The mount has been created with the Neumann KM184/KM183 in mind, but can easily be adapted for other microphones. I have included the Fusion 360 file and the diameter of the microphone is a parameter of the file. As the mount was to be a replacement for the standard mount of the KM184/KM183, I have reused the base of the original Neumann clamp. This could be changed, if needed to a printed version as well. If you want to do that, please create a remix! Printing is easy. No supports are needed, just make sure that you lay it correctly on the buildplate. You need one ring, one clamp and 4 clips. Then you need to source some elastic hair bands (or steal them from your daughter...)






