.50 AE Dummy Round
I wanted a dummy round for my Desert Eagle but I couldn't find one anywhere so I attempted to make my own. I have next to no experience modeling, I'm sure someone else could make one vastly superior to what I'm uploading but for now, this is all you get! Haha I loads, my gun clicks when I pull the trigger, and the dummy round extracts like it should when I pull the slide back. The only issue I've noticed is if I hold the slide and gently close the gun it doesn't close all the way, I have to give it a slight smack for it to close, but this happens somewhat with actual ammo on my gun. If I let the slide spring forward slightly on it's own it closes properly. A word of caution, I haven't sent the slide full send, so that might break the rim? Also I used 20% infill, it worked for me, but feel free to experiment. Remix or send constructive criticism. Hope this helps someone.