Ender 3/3 Pro/CR-10 Adjustable Z Stop
This is not an actual remix since it was designed from zero using principels of the original design (should not be compatible or maybe yes, idk). I liked it but wanted to change some things. First at all it is no worth to use a 40 mm m4 screw since the original ender bed springs are good for the purpose only from 10-16 mm of their range, so a srew 25-30mm lenght should be pretty anought (im using 30 mm). I used the spring from the old extruder but it is compatible with bed ones also, the extruder is a bit stronger. IMPORTANT. AT LEAST A BRASS INSERT M4 IS REQUIRED. You can also use inserts on the upper part: CHOOSE on of two upper parts, read the file name to pick the one u want. HARWARE: For Normal Upper Part: 1x M4 Screw 30 mm 2x M3 Srews (originals should be good) 1x Spring (extruder or bed one will be good) 3x washers with internal >=4mm external 9mm 1x M4 Insert lenght (4-8mm) 2x M3 Nuts For Upper Part with Inserts: 1x M4 Screw 30 mm 2x M3 Srews (originals should be good) 1x Spring (extruder or bed one will be good) 3x washers with internal >=4mm external 9mm 1x M4 Insert lenght (4-8mm) 2x M3 Insert <= 5mm Lenght NOTE: the upper part should be mounted first, Before MOUNTING the Z STOP on it, because u will need to use little bit of force to put it in, Apply a bit of pressure and it will snapp in, mine is ok and with some forse it snapps in and then its perfect since it work like rail. NOTE 2: It could be lower then the original end stop, so be carefull, if u are not sure of understanding what u are doing dont try to modify parts like end stops. in general the logic is the same as that of the original design, if u have doubts go check his instructions. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4747057\ Feel free to mix it and if u want to remix it and would do it easier let me know in comments if u want my meshmixer file. For me this is good as it is, it stable anought and easy to print, but who knows, maybe i will change it in future. if u have sudjestion for improvement let me know in comments amazon link for screws (not affiliated so i just wanna give u an idea of screws and washers i use) https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B08ZS8564W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 link of INSERTS https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B0969ZZKHS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1