Mecha - Lancer NPC - Sniper Artillery
Have been making models for a Lancer RPG campaign, and was thinking on the Crest Corporation and what type of mass produced units they might throw at a Lancer or Raven. I was thinking this model would be a great Sniper Artillery NPC for the Lancer RPG. I have an alternate rotated unit as well. The Lancer RPG's sniper, is a size 1 unit. It uses a Anti Material Rifle as a sniper rifle. It's capable of climbing, has special ammo and Smoke bombs. I wanted that to be reflected in this mech. It has quad legs for climbing vertical cliffs while engaging opponents. It has a smoke grenade on the side and a large radar head unit for pinpointing accurate shots. It's weapon is an exceptionally large rifle fired with two hands. "Exceptionally long-ranged and accurate artillery that can deal damage directly to a mech’s structure under the right circumstances." I've not tried printing this one, but have oriented the baseless pieces with netfabb for what would appear to be the least fuss for supports. I also have models with the bases attached if you want to roll the dice and try and remove supports from underneath the mech. Hope this helps players deploy some sniper mechs in a Lancer RPG. Have a wonderful day. Feel free to work on your own version of a sniper too!