Nerf Stryfe extended mag release for Worker talon adapter

Nerf Stryfe extended mag release for Worker talon adapter


THIS IS A WIP, I am still tweaking the fitment. For a nerf stryfe with a worker talon mag adapter with no mag release on the adapter. My stryfe does not use a hybrid pusher, it's short darts only so I have an extended pusher. I know they make a release version but I want to keep the factory release. I will include the pusher that I extended for talon mags. you need to cut a rectangle in the worker adapter right where the stryfes catch goes into the adapter and disassemble the adapter so you can put the bottom half of it on the stryfe, then put the new catch in and make sure to use both springs from the stryfe and the worker adapter, then screw together the adapter. to cut the rectangle I used a drill bit to drill two holes, then a file to file it into a rectangle. it helps to make the hole almost as big as the catch indent on the adapter. I put a single screw in the bottom half from the outside of the stryfe shell in a hole in the magwell, make sure it goes into the dead space and not where the talon mag goes. instead of the little nub on most catch's, I use a screw so it pulls the top and bottom of the catch evenly. so you will need 2 small screws for hardware and at least a drill, drill bits, a small file for tools



