Construx Repository

Construx Repository


I've been gathering all the Construx models I can find and making the ones I can't. To get this started I've made the knot's a bit more printable by putting a spacer underneath each of the elevated edges... one of my standard tricks is to print a plate, spacer, support, whatever you want to call it with a 0.3 mm airgap underneath the part. It's the same idea as a raft. It looks way better than drooping filament across linear support lines. These little plates just pop right off after printing. I got way better print quality with them. Even on big parts where I still use supports, these plates give a nice cleave-point and prevent the support-material ugliness. As for the Construx plates, I've taken 48x48 plate and squished it down to fit a small X medium hole. I've also stretched it (merging a few together) to fit a medium X long hole. I'll be posting lots more pieces to this as time goes on.



