Mix between two projects
Hello, I've mixed two projects in one and added some personal features to it. The first project is obviously the one I'm doing the remix of and the second is from this instructables : https://www.instructables.com/Nunchuck-Controlled-Telescope-Focuser/ (here's the video of all of it working on my dob 200mm https://tube.futuretic.fr/w/nMWXLYq3yHna92U9kstyiw ) So, I redesigned the box containing the electronic parts : I've added an arduino pro mini slot for it to fit, two holes for the ULN2003 (28byj-48 driver) and a nunchuck socket slot with a WiiChuck. There's also little logos on each slot to make it cute. The code you can find on the instructables is ready to use, you just have to download the nunchuck library before. The only changes you'll have to do is to set the analog values according to your nunchuck (it depends on each nunchuck, some have a big range, a little drift because they're old...), you can read the analog data sent back to your computer opening the serial monitor to set up those values. The timing belt was designed for my telescope (approximately the same telescope as the original author of this thing) but you'll have to make or print a different belt length depending of your configuration. Huge thanks to a guy on Facebook who fixed this timing belt generator https://www.youmagine.com/designs/parametric-timing-belt-generator (the line "nombrededents" means "numberofteeth" in english). If you want to generate your own belt like me, you'll have to set it to "loop" (not spiral) and set the number of teeth you want (it depends on the distance between thee two pulleys and their diameter). Don't forget to choose GT2 pulley teeth in the code too. If you're using the same stepper motor as we used, its torque is not that strong, so if your focuser is hard to rotate, you'll have to unscrew a screw to make it looser so the motor can turn easily the focuser. If you want the list part, comment this remix and I'll make it as accurate as possible.