BigtreeTech SKR 2 Motherboard Case for Wanhao I3

BigtreeTech SKR 2 Motherboard Case for Wanhao I3


This is a remix of my BTT SKR2 case, for Wanhao I3 and similar I3 printers with the black sheet metal metal frames. If your I3 printer is one of those with 2020 or 2040 extruded frame members, you should go to my design that this was remixed from. My original choice of the BTT SKR 1.4 Turbo board, and subsequent switch the their SKR2, was because I wanted dual Z steppers and BLTouch for Z Auto Align. Their SKR Mini E3 boards would probably fit in the original I3 Plus motherboard compartment, but would not support the dual Z steppers, since they only have 4 stepper steppers. In any case, here is my SKR 2 motherboard case, which would also support the SKR 1.4 Turbo, because they both have the same mounting holes and SD card and USB cable port locations. For any BTT motherboard you use, you will also need one of their TFT smart displays, since the original display used in your printer will not be compatible with the BTT motherboard. I use and like their TFT35 v3.0. I recommend this mount for a TFT35 v3.0 if you have that: If you select their TFT35 E3 v3 display, I have created a remix of the TFT35 v3.0 case, and it is at: Both of these TFT mounts attach to the two left bolts of the four top right bolts in the Wanhao I3 sheet metal frame. If your printer has a different frame, you will be able to mount it in other locations on the frame. If you decide to do this project, comment here, and I can provide you with Marlin and TFT configuration files for your new machine. For my custom E3d V6 hotend Bowden mount and X axis plate for I3 printers, see: For my custom top mount extruder, motor and filament sensor mount kit for I3 printers with sheet metal frames, see:



