Zip tie Head replacement (3.6mm only)
(thanks people from r/functionalprint for giving your opinions on my design!) Stop wasting 90% of your zip tie length! This design is only for the 3.6mm wide zip ties I'm working on a fully parametric design once you printed the heads, insert your zip tie left over in the hole with no pawls, orienting the theeth outside of the L shape of the head, heat up the PLA with a lighter and press with pliers, let it cool off, and the join should be super strong. play around with the scaling in your slicer to have the best fit , it has to be the tightest tolerance possible to prevent slip on the teeth Print settings: (the thickness of the walls of the model are 0.4 increments to avoid printing infill or having empty spaces.) (i sliced this model with cura, probably other slicers will have the same settings) filament: regular PLA nozzle:0.4 layer height: 0.2 line width:0.4 top/bottom layers: 3 wall line count: 2 temperature: 180ºC cooling: 90% (very tight tolerances (0.5mm) that's why is very high) print speed: 20 mm/s (you probably can print it faster, I didn't tried faster speeds) fill gaps between walls: ON filter out tiny gaps: OFF the last two are very important, otherwise the pawls will be hollow and will break ENJOY!