Godox SK400II softbox light reducer

Godox SK400II softbox light reducer


Godox strobe lights, affordable for amateur photographers like me. But cheap ones have a big one downside, they don't have high sync, and they can't go less than 1/16 power. It's fine if you are shooting like f4-f5.6 and above, while soft boxes have nice distance from object. But when you want to shoot like f2 with it's so hard to get away with it, you need to take soft boxes so far away and my room is not big enough :) also it's limiting your creativity. So I designed this gadget to fit my soft boxes. Light reducer part don't have any pattern on it, I'm using slicer infills as pattern and I can easily adjust light with increasing or decreasing infill. I got nice results with 3d honeycomb and gyroid patterns. Use 3-4 perimeters, no top and bottom layers. I also increased infill width to %200. If you want your own pattern, https://a360.co/34SnYbu source file is here. Only downside is you can't use prop lights with this gadget. My soft boxes come with SK400II, don't know which Godox strobe lights using the same soft boxes so I added a reference picture. tight fit, loose fit versions are for fitting into softbox. Regular design should work just fine on fine calibrated printers.






