WWE Coin Game (fully playable, including rules)

WWE Coin Game (fully playable, including rules)


My boys love watching WWE, so we invented our own wrestling based game that is played by flicking coins: Basic Rules Each player chooses a Wrestler Coin and sets his Life Counter to the number on the back of the Wrestler Coin. You can place the Counter into the Counter Stand so that it doesn’t move by accident. At the beginning of the round each player flips his coin onto the table.
You repeat this until one player’s coin faces up, while the other is facing down. The player with the coin facing up wins the right to move he can choose to… 1. Pick a move coin (blind) and flip it. It will do the damage shown on the side facing up to the opponent. The opponent has to set his Counter accordingly. 2. Attempt a pinfall (only if the player has more life points than the opponent): Flick the first Pin Coin. If „1“ is facing up, continue with coin two. Until all three Pin Coins show their numbers „1..2..3“. You win the game.

 If the KickOut-side shows, the opponents kicks out and can receive the health boost displayed on the KickOut-side.

 IMPORTANT: For each 10 points, that the player attempting the pinfall has more than the opponent, he gets an extra coin toss and has better chances to succeed. If the health of one player reaches zero, he has to flick the Submission Coin. If the TapOut-side is facing up, he loses the match. Else he gets a health boost displayed on the back of the coin. I also included a box to hold the game items and a Championship Stand for the winner to display his coin. All parts can be printed as they are. You can glue the back of the Life Counter together so that it can no longer fall apart. Have fun playing, inventing your own rules and creating your own wrestler coins!






