tx22 competition 407k  (507k) optic mount

tx22 competition 407k (507k) optic mount


i printed my final version in carbon fiber nylon at 100% infill. but it likely doesn't need to be that strong. I had a holosun 407k laying around waiting to go on something else. and the adapter plate that was for sale was 3d printed and 20 dollars+ shipping. not alot. but it only took a bit of design work and less than an hour to print (30 ish minutes) use whatever your recommended filament settings are for the filament. i printed the flattest side down with supports and trimmed them out of the channel. this was just a simple print. it wasn't made with the intention to perfectly hug the optic, but to hold it in place strongly. the threaded holes i just hosed the optic screw and a drill to set it. backed it out, then used a hand tool to actually mount the optic. you could use a tap v2 has the optic holes running all the way through if youd prever that. vs 5mm deep?






