Qooltek LED Bar Mount for Ender 3/Pro (maybe v2?)
This is a mount for the Qooltek Portable USB LED Lamp. It holds the lamp 5 cm in front of the top bar of the Ender 3 models. It uses only the available hardware from the kit with no modification to the fixture necessary. The only hardware required from what's included with the Lamp are the 2 screws and 2 magnets (just used for the screws). A nice bonus with this design is that once the lamp is screwed to the pieces, there's no possibility of either side coming out of the aluminum extrusion (unlike most designs that just fit into the ends like this). Link to LED bar: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XC2XCNU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This was made with inspiration from scottyujan's model. I remixed it because I wanted to use the built-in hardware that came with the Qooltek Portable USB LED Lamp, so that I could reuse it if I switched how I light up my 3D printer (the original design requires the removal of the mounting tabs on the end of the light bar to work).