Glock Channel Liner Installation Tool
Forgive the crappy stock photo taken from <a href="">this installation video</a>. I should have taken a picture before I finished my upper but I'm excitable and don't always make good decisions. In other words, I'm exactly the kind of person who should be installing channel liners into glock slides. If you need this, you know what it is. If not, congrats on not being on a federal watch list. This worked surprisingly well and is probably safer than using a metal tool (as illustrated in the picture). Just go slow and make sure the tapered edge of the insert is facing the slide. If it doesn't work and you mess up your $2 insert, it's not my fault. This could be a little tricky for some to print and will probably work best with a part fan. If you don't have a part fan, keep your speeds low and maybe try printing 2 at once spread out a bit so the travel time will give each layer time to cool.