Modular Belt Storage Containers
Modular sci-fi belt storage containers for use at Orion Sphere LRP ( Each different storage container is designed to clip into one of the associated belt loop sections - currently there are belt loops for 1 and 3 containers. These can then be worn in any combination on a belt or strap. Orion Sphere LRP is a science fiction live roleplay game that run events in the UK. Players take on the role of starship crews, companies and research institutes, as one of a host of alien species and in one of four competing Factions. All closures use small spherical nubs and sockets to stay in place. Under ideal conditions the containers should be stiff enough to remain in place under most conditions, and with a bit of effort they can be removed and replaced. BaseCon - Basic container. Large enough to hold Exotic Substance stickers for Scientist characters. Print the lid with 70 degree supports, and both lid and body with a brim to reduce warping. Loops - should be printed upright with a brim for maximum strength and to reduce warping. They should fit most normal-width belts. This Thing is a work in progress, and additional containers and props will be added over time. Next entry is a tall box for use as a Charge Pack, which can hold Charge cards. Please share any makes or painted versions you have, and feel free to remix your own versions - let me know if you make more containers and I can link them or add them to this Thing. Also, let us know on Facebook at