Philips Automatic Espresso Machine Coffee Bean Container Extension

Philips Automatic Espresso Machine Coffee Bean Container Extension


<p>The Philips Automated Espresso machines (1200, 2200, 3200 series) have a ridicules small coffee bean container. This is a design that fits exactly between the container and the cover. </p> <p>The container edge is bent in two dimensions so to be able to print it without supports It is divided in three parts, each with at least one flat surface. So, it can be printed entirely without supports.</p> <p>You can easily glue it together and on the container edge. The original cover has a rubber edge and it fits exactly in the top part. The middle part is used to connect the top and bottom part. I Printed it with a horizontal expansion of -0.2 mm to make it fit better. If you want to you can make the middle part larger to get an even larger container. I made it large enough for an entire single pack of coffee.</p>



