Batman Tthe Animated Series - Shadow of the Bat - Dice Matching Shared Action Tokens
Inspiration taken from: (Basically) From the link above: Here are my shared dice tokens to replace the community pool of shared neon/pastel tokens. Each hero will now have their own matching set to be handed out to players to keep things visually organized- and easier to pickup too. Included are single extruder tokens and MMU tokens. ---Single Extruder--- Single extruder tokens don't have corresponding "inset" files and a shallower (.4mm) cavity that should be usable via layer color change. I expect the if you plan to print them face up, you will need a .25mm nozzle to get any decent icon fidelity. ---Multi Material--- MMU Individual tokens in .3MF format, MMU Tokens and their parts split into STL files MMU Project Preconfigured .3MF files that you can import directly into PrusSlicer for your MMU with a brim on each token and a purge block with a little extra purge for filaments 1 and 2. The .3MF files for Villains are assuming you have the extra dice, if not, you'll want to reduce each token count by half. I printed the MMU tokens on their bottom edge at .15mm resolution, thin wall detection is a must. The "Bat" tokens and "Wild" tokens don't have a use but I was on a roll when making tokens from the user manual so I made them anyway, get creative.