Ender 3 S1 Camera Bed Mount Hardware FREE / Laser Cutting

Ender 3 S1 Camera Bed Mount Hardware FREE / Laser Cutting


Hey all! I wanted to make awesome timelapse print videos with my Ender 3 S1 but there are NO RASPBERRY PIs on the market right now to run octoprint and octolapse! I designed this camera mount to reduce the movement recorded during time-lapse videos! This part file can be printed and used without any supporting hardware, all you will need is a camera mount and the bolt to mount the camera mount. *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** BE SURE TO EDIT YOUR END G-CODE SO YOUR EXTRUDER/PRINTER DOES NOT CRASH INTO YOUR CAMERA; SEE ATTACHED IMAGE FOR SUGGESTED EDITS, YOU MAY WANT TO SET Z HEIGHT AT MAX. For those of you with a laser cutter, I've included a "minimal" print version that relies on some hardware and has some assembly required, but this will get your camera mount made in 1 hour or less compared to the 9 hour print time (at 0.2 mm layer height) I have a version made for brass inserts as well but it needs some tweaking, I'll release it after I make the required edits! If you want to see how this part will improve your time lapses, feel free to check out this video I made using this camera mount: https://www.tiktok.com/@deeterpart2/video/7062727161735761199?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 I also will be publishing more parts and tutorials on my youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8C5SNLeeZKfHvt9flSVcw If you have an interest in gaming, I stream on twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/deeterontop Hope you all enjoy this part and get good use out of it!







3D Printing