Spray Booth v2.0 - Quick release ventilation connection
Quick release ventilation connection for a home made “Cardboard Spray Booth” And the blueprints for building a Spray Booth This contains the free stl. files & blueprints for building a spray booth like the one in my video build. All the details, and how to tutorial. Can be found on YouTube PropsNstuff, or use the link for the specific video: https://youtu.be/rr20tYqUPUk Contains: - 2 part stl. Quick release ventilation connection. The two blueprints that make up a spray booth. Can be dowloaded from DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mi8bl3oxoqy56b7/AABoK1dNu6lBu53k5Vlg7TdEa?dl=0 See the video build for a full description and “How To” Hope it’s useful, enjoy;) p.s. Remember. Even when using any kind of spray booth, use a mask and proper protection.