Meat Temp Remix
This is a great print, fun and functional idea. I ended up making some changes for my personal preference. I simply made some of the smaller connections like the chickens and pigs legs a bit larger, as well as the fish fins so it is more durable for post processing. I used the blank and made it 7mm thick and then added the same text on top, making it protrude a bit more. I then hollowed out 3 spots on the back to fit 1 to 3 neodymium magnets at a size of 2mm thick by 8mm diameter. Unfortunately while sanding (with orbital sander) i nicked and knocked off a number so ill be printing this over again. I sprayed a matte finish clear coat on and then lightly brushed white Testors modeling paint over the numbers and then glued on the 8mmx2mm magnets on back. Depending on your needs, you can use 3, but it will definitely hold with just 1 magnet (clearly above you can see i chose to use 2)