Airsoft OTs-14 Groza 9x39 magazine
This thing is a airsoft magazine for the OTs-14 Groza model that I have on Thingverse. Its meant to hold one single 30rds Marui type shotgun shell. The magazine is made to fit most Ak receivers without modifications, and has been tested with Cyma, DBoys and E&L Aks successfully. There's also room inside for adding weights for that hefty feel that any Russian gun should have. PARTS NEEDED 4 20mm m3 screws 4 m3 screw inserts 1 30rds Marui type shotgun shell or you may just glue the two mag halves together. It should be fairly easy to mod this model to fit an short Vietnam type m4 mag inside, to provide more BBs, but I currently don't have any nor am I able to get one (posting to my country has been all but halted by the virus). Should I get my hands on one, I'll make the model available. Feel free to mix and improve upon the design, it's out there to be used, but do not sell copies without premission.