Polaroid custom 4x5 film holder for pack film back

Polaroid custom 4x5 film holder for pack film back


This is the framework to make a custom 4x5 film holder that fits into the 4x5 back for Polaroid pack film cameras. You'll need black mat board cut into 163mm X 105mm, then glued to the rails in the middle and the ledge above the middle. Mat board is used to shim the opening by cutting a 40mm wide piece and gluing it between the pieces of mat board. The top piece is glued to the end, then a piece of black felt is glued to the opening. You may need a piece of bristle board under the felt to shim it enough to provide the light seal. The pressure plate is taped or glued onto the top of the felt. A piece of black bristle board (thick poster board) is cut 105mm X 210mm for the dark slide.






