A Kinda A Dick Way To Test Z Offset

A Kinda A Dick Way To Test Z Offset


OK so I am a bit of a cowboy when I set my Z offset. I tend to start out by preheating my machine, then home it. Grab some paper and slide it under the nozzle and send it to Z0, I use terminal so G0 Z0 Does it lightly grip the paper? If loose set the Z offset closer to the bed, Say you had Z-1. Set Z-1.5 to be closer. If it's too tight or smashed into the bed set it further from the bed. So from Z-1 to Z-0.5 as an example. Get it close as you can then print this! It's should be under a 15 minute print and look at how it looks. Are the edges all blobbed out? Too close. Move it away slightly and print again. Bad adhesion and wrinkled bottom? Set it closer! Just right! Leave it alone! #Thanks!!



