Newton laser collimator adjustment tool

Newton laser collimator adjustment tool


Laser collimators to be used for Newton telescope adjustment (collimation) needs to be verified and possibly to be adjusted. This rest will support an OMEGON laser pointer and maybe is also usable for other designs. Drop the pointer on the rest (placed on a hard ground) pointing to a white wall. Hold the rest with one finger or left hand and rotate the laser with the other hand very slowly mm by mm until it reaches the start position. Do not press the pointer on th rest, just rotate mm by mm. If the laser beam spot stays on a single point no adjustment is necessary. Otherwiese mark the points on a sheet of paper in some distance on a wall. Then start to adjust the pointer by adjusting the screws in the laser housing. This can take 30min – 2h. Take your time. Detailled adjustment instructions can be found in the www and YouTube



