K2 Satsana Dual Stock Fan Duct Ender 3v2 with CRTouch

K2 Satsana Dual Stock Fan Duct Ender 3v2 with CRTouch


Satsana Dual Fan Duct for the Ender 3 v2 with CRTouch/BLTouch. It utilizes the STOCK FANS, and a mount/duct for a second 4010 parts blower fan. After a few months of off and on development and design testing, I feel this is ready for release. P R I N T S: - K2 Satsana Dual Fan Duct - Wire Hide press fit L-cover (Top) - Fan grills (Optional) F E A T U R E S: - Stock Fan size 4010 Fans (Link below) - Dual Parts Fan Ducting - CRTouch/BLTouch Mount (reinforced) - Mounting area for Hot End LED Lights (Link Below) - Wire channels for your parts fans, front extruder fan, and bed leveling wires N O T E S: I wired my second parts blower fan directly to the stock (right side) blower. I just cut those stock wires (yellow/Blue) and soldered a plug (Optional) to new blower for easy removal. Yellow is positive on OEM wiring. You should have no issues triggering the X-Axis end stop switch, but if you do, bend the end of the little metal switch gently. I did NOT have to with this print, but I did with many others I tested. My CRTouch Z-Offset: -1.18 ____________________________________________________ Cheap blower Fan I used (we shall see how long they last): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NQ2B11H?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details Hot End LED: https://printermods.com/collections/led-lighting-kits/products/led-lighting-kit-for-3d-printers-hot-end-version Quick Disconnect Connectors: I used one of these for easy removal of the second Parts Blower fan. Thin male plug on fan wire (so it fits though wiring slot), thicker female plug on OEM wiring. Think this through... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R4ZBBC4?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details



