Cat feeder ball
We have two cats, and as usual one is always the bigger eater. We got RFID food dishes for each of them so the bigger eater doesn't eat all the food and so he does get to eat all of his serving for the day. That being said, he still would eat ALL of his portion right away and then try to push her around before the evening portions were distributed. I saw this ball,, on here and thought it might be a good addition, that way I could reduce both of their portions and have this out. Granted, either one could get to it but they would have to work a bit to get the extra food out. I didn't like the way the connections looked for keeping both halves together so I came up with this version. It's very similar but I designed it from the ground up. It screws together and there is a notch that clicks when you get it tight enough for the holes to line up inside. It holds about a 1/4 cup worth of food. In about a weeks time, I've reduced their dry food by half in their dishes and put this out. The big eater even leaves food in his dish at feeding time and prefers to play with this for a while, all of this totally caught me by surprise. I've included the supports needed to print it so you don't need to add them. There is one version with 12mm holes and one with 14mm holes. In any case, I hope it prints well for you and you find it useful.