Breadboard Spacers - for Bridging ESP32
Wanted a way to easily mount the ESP32 boards onto a breadboard. If you use a regular breadboard and saddle the center gap the ESP32 board does not fit properly, and you have only a few attachment slots available to use. The breadboards I used were from Amazon. I ordered these boards because they had "removable" power rails. *** Note some breadboards DO NOT have removeable power rails *** By taking off one of the side power rails on two of the boards I was able set them close to each other using the spacer blocks and then bridged the ESP32 between them (see picture). Because I wanted to still use an attachable breadboard power supply, I used my third breadboard on the left side of the other two (see pictures). The "Spacers" clicked into the same slots that the breadboard and power rails use. They hold the open edges of the breadboard at the proper distance apart so the ESP32 boards can fit. I have one spacer on each end of the breadboards. Those spacer blocks ended up being completely covered by the ESP32 boards. The spacer blocks are only 30 mm long x 18 mm wide x 8 mm high. Will also attach the Fusion 360 AutoCAD drawing if you have the need to modify them for your own use. So far, I have not run out of breadboard area when building small circuits. I like having room for two ESP32 processors on the same breadboard. It makes it easier when playing with WIFI and Bluetooth programs (RNT course). *** If you have attached your breadboard to something, it can sometimes be difficult to remove the double-sided tape. I my case I got a little ahead of myself removing one breadboard section and the metal clips inside the board pulled out of the breadboard and stayed with the tape. Ended up removing each clip and reinserting into the backside of the breadboard. It was doable, but not what I would call fun (see last picture). ***