75100 VESC, side pannel to expose mosfetts
This is a very work in progress thing. Truth is, this 75100 cannot output much amps without overheating Originally the MOSs dissipate heat trough a kapton tape covered aluminium bloc, inside the box. I thing i can do better than that. My plan is, on open air, fit a radiator with thermal compound on the MOSs drain as long as kapton tape on the sides for MOS to MOS drain isolation. At the end, i plan to make everything "water resistant" again with some kind of sealant. The mosfett side cover of the original box as te be cut exactly 2mm from the top edge. If you don't want to glue the plastic part, drill (2.5mm) and tap (m3) the original aluminum box where the six holes are. Topic link : https://www.e-sk8.fr/t/help-fesc-75-100-sur-hub-12-qui-chauffe/10218/42