Low Polly Griffin Perched on Skull

Low Polly Griffin Perched on Skull


This Griffin models was created using the CR-scan 01. I then cleaned up the models using Fusion 360.The original model was pretty large and should be scaled down to meet your printing space. I printed using the Creality Resin printer LD-002H, as well as a second print using the FDM Printer from Creality the CR-10 using PLA with rafts and supports. I plan on further editing the model for a high profile high definition version. Below are the settings I used to slice all of these models Slice settings are general print settings are only for the LD002R CHITUBOX Settings upon slice Layer .05 Hollow Out @ 1mm Infill @ 0 Supports Light @ 70% @ 45-degree cutoff Z offset plus 5 (for no raft needed) Add Hole at first layer of model upon z axis diameter 3mm (For pint Drain) LDR Print settings (Using Flesh Tone Resin) Layer .05 Bottom Layer Count 15 Exposure Time 7.5 seconds Bottom Exposure Time 50 seconds Bottom Lift 5mm Lift Distance 5 mm Bottom lift speed 65mm/Min Bottom retract Speed 150 mm/Min Post print Clean IPA solution Rest dry (do not rub dry you will lose definition) Resin Cure min 580 seconds Recommended extended cure to 1200 Seconds upon cure final rinse with IPA to lose internal residue. Air dry, primer, and paint CR-10 Slice and Print PLA Raft Yes Supports Yes Def. .01 (you can print at .02 but I prefer the tighter layers @.01) (My preferences layers) Bottom 5 Top 5 Perimeter 6 I used forced retractions between layers I used additional setting via Simplify 3D to fine tune my prints. I printed at 25% scale and produced very nice models. Any suggestions to add for FDM print settings or model improvements please let me know. Thanks. Ps I design for free, but I will still accept like.... Happy printing all






