Hisuian Pokeball based on a wooden ball FDM + SLA parts
This hisuian pokeball is based on a wooden ball. Where as all the other balls are completly 3D-printed in my version of the pokeball only a few parts are. The ball is made from real wood with the upper half painted in red, which makes the pokeball look and feel much more realistic in my opinion. These wooden balls can be bought in many shops locally and online in many different sizes. The pokeballs on the photos are made from beech (very bright grain) with a diameter of 8cm. But other diameters can used as well by scaling up or down the STLs by the following: metric: scale = d/8 *100 imperial: scale = d/3.15*100 d = diameter of your wooden ball in inches or centimeter scale = scale for printed parts to fit your ball size This version of the pokeball is for decoration only. The hinch is not working. BEFORE PRINTING: Wooden balls you can buy are not real spheres due to manufacturing tolerances. They differ in shape and size, so check the size of your balls and adjust the scale accordingly. Maybe more than one print is necessary.