Lego Shuttle Mount Arm Remix

Lego Shuttle Mount Arm Remix


I really enjoy having my Lego Shuttle mounted on the wallsimplicity of the mount by JamesThorpe is excellent. As you can see in the images above, my bracket started to bend downward at the end of it while the bottom corner started digging into the drywall. Its still holding just fine but makes me nervous. This may just be my resin of choice but if i'm going to re-print it using a different resin, i wanted to make some additional changes. So i added a 6.5 degree angle along the back side to bolster that axis and also put another screw on the under side of it. This will change the center of mass and forces a little higher up on the bracket while preventing it from digging into my wall at the bottom. I may need to be a bit more aggressive on the bottom side angled piece (Meaning try more than the 6.5º slope), but i wanted to try this one out first to keep the mounting arm as close to the original as i possibly could.






