Exact Measuring Scoop
**Example with Sugar:** If you fill this Cylinder with sugar, you will have exactly 3,00g (+-0.01g) of sugar in it. You could use this as a tool to meassure sugar for your brew. (To add it to your beer bottle) I created this because I wanted an exact measurement of 3g sugar, and I wanted it to be fillable into a bottle easyly. *The Volume is calculated and then the modifier compensates for the grain size and how well its settled. With my german standard sugar I can now just fill it and its 3g. Without needing to shake it to settle it and fill it again.* **How:** Type the weight you want to meassure. Type the radius you want to have. The modifier 117% is for sugar. **Please:** Please comment modifiers for exact weight you discovered. What you weighted in what country. **Thank you [tpimh](http://thingiverse.com/tpimh)** from the **Telegram Group [OpenSCAD](https://t.me/openscad_users)** for correcting my code.