Barazta Virtuoso, Preciso main gear
This fits on a version 1 Barazta Virtuoso or Precio grinder with the metal gear that often gets stripped. Barazta has a kit you can install to upgrade the gear, but I though I'd try this first to see how it works, since this grinder was a throw away. The gears mesh fine, and it grinds coffee OK. It only has 64 teeth instead of the 67 on the original (TinkerCad's limitation), so in theory, the burr runs a little faster. I checked the gear after running it a bit and didn't notice significant wear, but time will tell as to how long it will last. I wouldn't run the grinder for too long to prevent the gear heating up and getting soft. I'll just be using it for single doses. If you can print with ABS that would probably be better. I printed it with a 4 wall count for strength and 25% infill with supports. You may have to file the hexagon a bit to fit the shaft.