Hair Dryer Blower Nozzles for drying Minis / IPA from Resin prints

Hair Dryer Blower Nozzles for drying Minis / IPA from Resin prints


Our hair dryer did not heat anymore, so I wanted to use it for drying isopropanol on my resin prints before curing. I started with creating a tip nozzle to blow into hollow prints and added the other two later on. Not too sure which of the nozzles work best, but I guess it will depend on the type of model. The nozzles are for Babyliss or similar hair dryers, which are about 49mm in diameter. Thanks to @Zivbot for the universal vacuum adapter thing which I used for creating the nozzles. The settings JSON is included to let you remix the nozzles. You'll need OpenSCAD and the OpenSCAD file from the original author.







Art Tools