AN7-X Al-Noor (Wobbie Experimental Design)

AN7-X Al-Noor (Wobbie Experimental Design)


A wild mecha appears! You can use this guy as a swarm unit for Weasel-Tech, or as a stand-alone giant stompy robot for your mecha game of choice. Actually, I totally made this for my campaign on Fistful of Valkyries as a baddie to whup my merc unit's butt. Gul darn Wobbies and their techno miracles! Long story short, the AN7-X Al-Noor is a highly experimental death machine that packs four Holy Fire Heavy Large Lasers on a 45 ton frame. What makes this thing experimental? The Radiant Blake Heat-Shunt System (RBHS): A highly experimental system that completely overhauls the cooling system of a mech. Cannot be installed with any form of heatsinks. Weighs nothing (as it replaces the heatsinks in the engine) but it takes up two critical spaces on both the left and right torsos. Additionally, it requires the back of the mech to be completely unarmored in order to accommodate a system of vents and heating fins. It also cannot be installed on a mech weighing more than fifty tons. Benefits: With the RBHS, all of the heat that a mech generates is immediately shunted out the back of the mech in a halo of shining light. This means that the mech can move, fire, etc. as much as it wants with zero heat buildup (as long as the system remains undamaged.) Penalties: THE RBHS makes a mech more visible, meaning that it is always considered illuminated for night ops, etc. Additionally, the mech cannot mount any back armor. If the RBHS sustains a critical hit, it continues to function, but its effectiveness is reduced by 25% for every hit it takes (round up.) Un-shunted heat goes immediately into the heat gauge, and is added to the total heat generated next turn, with 25% remaining (per crit hit) again. As an example, if a mech with one critical hit to the RBHS generates 10 heat, 2.5 (or 3) heat goes to the scale. Next turn, if it generates an additional ten heat, add the three to it (total: 13) then disperse all heat except for 25% rounded up (total: 4.) The remainder is then moved to the heat scale, meaning that this mech will start the next turn with four heat. Comes with and without bases. If you like my work and want to see (and print) more of it, please consider stopping over at my online miniatures store at [Punkin' Figs]( All of my 3D printable releases are printed before release to insure that they print well even on a simple, starter FDM printer.



