Foot for AtGames Arcade Legends Pinball (ALP)
I created this foot to raise my Arcade Legends Pinball (ALP) up to the standard pinball height of 36". I was surprised by how much more comfortable this is for me, while standing and sitting (I'm 5' 10"). I am also now able to sit on a stool with my legs, under the table, when I desire to sit. These feet are very strong. I weigh 200+ and stood on one of them. It didn't give at all. It's possible that I could have gotten away with less infill, but I'm happy with the results as is. Mine are on carpet and I don't have any issues with them slipping. If that becomes an issue, I will probably stick some anti slip pads on the bottom of them. I have two ALP machines. For comparison, I show one with and one without the feet, in the attached pictures. Of course, I use feet on both machines. :P