Harry Potter -- The Knight Bus
I started a project last year, building a PC with and for my daughter. She being a huge fan girl of a well known wizard boy, the theme was more than clear. Looking around in the world of Harry Potter there was one thing, that stand out in its possibilities to become a case for a PC: The Knight Bus. So, long story short, here it is. I build it from scratch using TinkerCAD. On the one hand, I didn´t find anything that fits our needs in the internet. On the other hand, I have absolutely no clue considering professional 3D-design-software … so TinkerCAD was the way to go. A first warning: I pushed the browser based editor to its limits. The reason why is – in my understanding – that there were way too much objects and there combinations in the end. Just an example: The rounded sections in front and at the end of the roof of the bus are based on multiple small slices, turned and duplicated all over again. In the end, my project barely loaded anymore or was able to be modified again probably. That being said, I don’t think, that I´ll be able to modify anything anymore anytimes … just glad, that there is the final bus. :) So here it is, feel free to make use of it. I can think of it primarily as a PC case or maybe a body for a radio controlled vehicle or … I don’t know, surprise me with your makes! If you´re interested in more pictures about the final build of mine and the way to it, you will find it here (in German): https://www.computerbase.de/forum/threads/warten-aufn-bus.2029293/ The files are a big one, that covers the object as a whole. The others are several parted versions, considering my printer and the amount of time, I was able to print in a row. A second warning: This will become a very delicate and thin print, If you´re more able than me I recommend to enhance the overall thickness of the walls or it will break easily between the windows or in similar areas.