FLSUN Q5 - Mosfet + Raspberry Pi Zero mount
# Summary This is my mosfet and RaspberryPi mount for Flsun Q5 # Why? I really wanted to print in ABS with my Flsun, but I've found the performance of the bed a little bit disappointing. Following mod that I've done in order to achieve reliable performance: - Removed stock insulation from under the bed and added a new one that cover the entire bed and not only the center ( Why only the center Flsun? Insulation is cheap! ) - Removed stock cables from the bed and soldered 2 wire for the voltage and 2 wire for the ground - optional, the size of the cable was already big enough - Added mosfet # Results I haven't done a deep testing, but the bed takes less time for increasing the temperature and overall is more reliable while printing. # Print Setting Supports are not necessary.