Micro:bit Bipedal Robot "EASY:bit"
[Download All Files] ZIP feature maybe dosen't work. Instead, you can download all the files by accessing the following URL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5274039/zip <h2>● How to make and more information</h2> https://share.angato.org/en/ English https://share.angato.org Japanese <h2>● Concept</h2> <h4>Easy to make.</h4> - Easy to collect parts. General-purpose parts like SG90. Cost is less than $100. - Easy to print. Designed to prevent stacking cracks. Max parts is 8cm x 8cm. - Easy to assemble. Simple design. Maybe able to assemble in a few days. - Easy to program. Block programming is available on the Micro:bit. EASY:bit was inspired by [PLEN:bit](https://plen.jp/plenbit/). <h2>● Parts</h2> - (x1) [Micro:bit](https://microbit.org/) (using Ver.1) - (x1) [Kitronik Compact 16 Servo Driver Board: KITRONIK-5694](https://kitronik.co.uk/collections/accessories-for-the-bbc-micro-bit/products/5694-compact-16-servo-driver-board-for-the-bbc-micro-bit) - (x8) [TowerPro SG90](https://www.towerpro.com.tw/product/sg90-7/) or [Miuzei MS18 Servo](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07PHFQY6B) *Recommend SG90(TowerPro). MS18 work, but a little unstable. - (x4) AAA Battery (using Rechargeable battery) - (x1) AAA Case [e.g.](https://www.marutsu.co.jp/pc/i/595636/) - (x6) M2x8mm Machine, countersunk head set (with washer and nut) - (x15~) M1.4x5mm Tapping screw [e.g.](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B076ZCH1NJ) - (x4) M2 Nylon nut [e.g.](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01G6P25A0) (Not necessarily) <h4>For head LED (not required if not attached)</h4> - (x2) 3mm LED (with resistor) - (x1) Universal board [e.g.](https://www.marutsu.co.jp/pc/i/8486/) - (x3) Jumper wire female x female 10cm~ - (x3) Right angle pin header [e.g.](https://www.marutsu.co.jp/pc/i/135781/) <h2>● Print Setting</h2> Ultimaker Cura 4.12.1 <strong> "Generic PLA" Default Setting + Support and Skirt enable</strong> Sometimes using Glue Stick [e.g.](https://www.tombow.com/products/shiwa_nashi_pit/) Printer: [ANYCUBIC Mega-S](https://www.anycubic.com/products/anycubic-i3-mega-s) Filament: [ANYCUBIC PLA](https://www.anycubic.com/products/1-75mm-pla-3d-printer-filament) (for search: microbit, Micro:bit)