FPV combat gun turret

FPV combat gun turret


This an IR gun mount add-on to the low profile FPV camera gimbal designed by Lee, aka Painless 360. The two gimbal parts are slightly modified by me for the gun turret purpose and will be available for download from Painless 360 on Thingiverse. The gun turret camera mount part is only available for 19 mm cameras. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5150262 The gun mount and cable guide is entirely my own design and will be available for download here. The gun mount attaches to the camera mount using two M2.5 machine screws. The cable guide for gun and camera cables can be attached using 3M double sided tape. I secured the cables with Locktite / Sugru (the black material in the picture). Mock up test run: https://youtu.be/O5Ctg2qNogc I used a Prusa SL1 resin printer for all the parts but I think a regular FDM printer will produce useful results as well. Servos; I run them on 6v volt for speed and torque. For TILT I used: Turnigy™ TGY-180D 180 degree Digital Servo 2.2kg / 0.10sec / 12g https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigytm-tgy-180d-180-degree-digital-servo-2-2kg-0-10sec-12g.html?wrh_pdp=7 For PAN: MD260 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32949734839.html







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