Marlin CNC Pendant v1

Marlin CNC Pendant v1


Marlin CNC Pendant v2 has been uploaded ( I have added my most up to date sketch but will no longer be working on this version of the pendant. Feel free to continue reaching out with questions or problems. Finally an easy way to control my Marlin Based CNC for setup without having to interface with a computer. I looked at a lot of CNC Pendant projects but none that I found checked all the boxes for my wants/needs. lay3rworks's Gcode sender ( was close but lacked a rotary encoder so I started with parts of his code and worked from there. I have this interfacing with a BTT SKR v1.3 running Marlin 2.0 firmware, but this should work with any board/firmware that supports a direct serial connection. The Arduino Nano essentially works as a gcode sender. I've added schematics and the Arduino sketch, along with the Fusion360 file for anyone that wants to make changes. I'm a mediocre coder at best so there are bits of code that I copy/pasted from other places and things that need to be fixed that require a look from someone smarter than me, but as of uploading all of the functions work as I intended them to and I have had no bugs pop up during operation. As with anything that can take control of a machine that has a tool spinning at several thousand RPM, keep close to the emergency shut off for your first few runs to make sure nothing goes sideways. I'll happily help anyone that wants to try and adapt this to a different controller board to the extent of my abilities, just message me thru *** 3/11/22 Update: I've been live testing this on my machine for a couple weeks now and the only issue I have experienced is occasionally, if rotating the encoder too fast in the negative direction it will invert the direction of movement direction on a random line of gcode. Adding a short delay on the program loop or increasing the baud rate may resolve this but I have not tried these solutions yet to confirm. *** ***4/20/22 - Updated the sketch to clean up some unused functions from v1.0. Parts list: 1x Arduino Nano 5v 1x 60mm hand wheel encoder - 1x membrane keypad - pin headers and connectors **Optional for axis and resolution LEDs** 7x 5mm LEDs 5v - 7x thru resistors (values will vary based on brightness wanted and LEDs used) **Optional for pprogramming without removing cover** 1x mini/micro/C type USB cable 8in or longer (depends on your Nano plug) 1x female USB connector (I used micro, you can use any spec you want but will need to modify the housing) -






