Type 2 charging plug wall holder

Type 2 charging plug wall holder


I was inspired by the design of Lindh3D's "[Type 2 cable holder](https://www.prusaprinters.org/de/prints/56898-type-2-cable-holder)". But I didn't like the idea to print it with support. Also I thought it could be improved for less material use and better mounting. So I went on to design my own version while taking ideas of different already existing prints. Here is what I came up with: This model consists of 3 printed parts. Then you need something with ø3 mm diameter as an axle. Anything like a wire or nail would do. Just cut it to a length of 18 mm. Fix the lever in the holder with this and make sure it is flush on both sides. Put a spring in and slide the over on top of it. Then you have to mount it to the wall to get finished. I recommend to print everything from PETG.






