Razor Planer V2 for Balsa

Razor Planer V2 for Balsa


This is my V2 version of the Balsa Planer to use standard razor blades but now with added brass nut inserts! Now the blade is really secure and the fine adjustment is spot on. No more trying to find the tiniest screws as in V1. I also removed the back of the blade so it could lay down as flat as possible with full support. You will need: 3mm and 2mm brass inserts found online (amazon, ebay, etc) 3mm and 2 mm screws Soldering iron to insert brass inserts (super easy!) Remove the back of the razor blades (flat screw driver - easy) Ater making, file down the 3mm brass insert to match the planer. I used fine grit sandpaper over a flat surface as a final pass. Enjoy!







Hand Tools