Heavy Combat Robot
Whether you need urban pacification, outworld security, or battlefield supremacy the Heavy Combat Robot can fill your need. This kit allows you to print and pose your Heavy Combat Robot in a variety of ways so no two need to look alike. You can print one full robot or just parts, whatever you need. This kit comes in fully supported and unsupported parts and has a single file for all supported parts as one STL. Your easiest pathway to starting your own robot uprising is to download the “HeavyCombot_All_Parts_Supported.stl” file. This model can serve you well in your games of 40K, Stargrave, Necromunda, or any other sci-fi tabletop or role-playing game. nonPareil institute is committed to building better futures for adults with autism through technical and work-readiness training and social engagement activities. This 3d model was created by former nonPareil Institute students who are now staff members who help other adults on the autism spectrum explore their technical passions and skills.