Camera Dolly Zip-Line

Camera Dolly Zip-Line


this is something i thought didnt exist on a small scale. i had an idea to make my own Radio Controlled Camera dolly for a Zip Line. those things are used on commercial movies were it is not possible to install tracks on the ground for a camera. i didnt know until later that a company made them and sold their own general public version for the step price of 500$. after many revision i finally finished my build. sadly there are many problem. IT DOESNT WORK. here is a list of the problems: -the metal gear servo motor i used (995) isnt strong enough to drive the dolly with the supplied 5V, the speed is lacking it it seems to suffer while working. -the drive wheel with the smooth TPU surface doesnt have enough grip to climb a small climb. i need to redesign it with some threaded surface. -the whole transmitter and receiver is too unstable. the whole thing is to be replaced. if you are to use some parts or re-design this, please link me your work or message me. i am not preventing you from using it, i just want to better my own design with your idea.






