2 inch net cup holder for wide-mouthed jars (+ Customizer!)
This is a very simple model for a 2 inch net cup holder that fits into a wide-mouth mason jar. It should fit any other jars which have an inner diameter of approximately 3 inches as well. It is not threaded or leak-proof, but it is designed to sit high enough that it won't get wet, to reduce the risk of any kind of leeching (or of the water damaging it.) It is appropriate for the "jar kratky" method, but wide-mouth jars usually aren't wide enough for a traditional kratky jar. Remember not to fill the nutrient solution all the way to the top once you have some root development, or you'll get root rot! You can find many guides to jar kratky online. Also, you will want to block light from coming through the glass with tape or paint, or you'll get algae. I left mine clear in the photo for demonstrative purposes only. The .scad file is included, so you can also use the Customizer tool to fit different container and net cup sizes! All measurements are in milimeters.