Mount for filament runout sensor
This is a mount made to fit a filament runout sensor on my Ender 3 V2. PAY ATTENTION! It has a coupler at one end for 1.75 filament. I am using a bowden tube from the dryer to this mount. You can put a little piece of tube there, otherwise it will have a friction at certain angles. Here is the link to the sensor. This mount slides firmly on the X axis gantry. I found that the sensor works better on vertical position as the bearing releases the switch easier. The sensor slides into the mount and there a hole for a screw to make it tight. I am using creality metal extruder, so I am not sure if the stock plastic one wont grind the filament. The scheme for pins works with 4.2.2 and 4.2.7 motherboards. Of course take it on your own risk when connecting the sensor. Double check the information and check it twice more before wiring everything. You will definitely need a proper firmware as stock will not work. I am using Jyers Firmware, so it has filament runout option in the menu. Printed it out of PETG at 100% infill so it would last longer and hold stronger.